§ 8.20.010. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicated a different meaning:
"Approved receptacle" shall mean:
A container of various sizes furnished by the city to residential and commercial customers to store solid waste for collection.
A plastic bag having sufficient wall strength, a thickness of not less than 1.2 mil, to maintain physical integrity when lifted at the to, the opening closed by tie or other seal, and contents not weighing more than 50 pounds.
"Automated collection" means the use of mechanical devices to lift and empty solid waste containers into solid waste collection vehicles.
"Automated container" means a container provided by the city of varying capacity used for garbage/rubbish collection.
"Boxes" mean corrugated cardboard boxes with dimensions not exceeding two feet × two feet × two feet, and/or a volume of eight cubic feet, capable of holding the materials therein, when lifted. Solid waste materials placed in the box shall be acceptable materials for collection, and shall be contained so as not to cause windblown litter.
"Brush" means cuttings of trimmings from trees or shrubs of such length and bulk that cannot be placed in a container.
"Bulky waste" shall mean large items, objects, or stable matter, which because of their bulk, size, weight, and/or dimensions, cannot be placed in and approved receptacle or container, and require special collection methods. Examples include furniture items, appliances, tree limbs, and construction debris.
"Business," as used herein, shall mean any commercial operation, or any usage of property for other than residential purposes, involving the employment of any individual, or the sale or manufacture of any product.
"City" means the City of Uvalde, Uvalde County, Texas.
"Collection" means the act of removing accumulated solid waste from the point of collection and transporting it to a solid waste management facility; collection may also occur at centralized points where generators deliver their solid waste.
"Collection day" means, for residential collection, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, as designated for a particular service area or geographical region.
"Collection frequency" means the number of times per week that collection service is provided.
"Collection/service stop" is a term used to describe a unique address that is a point of collection and requires collection services, i.e., a geographical point within a service area that requires the collection vehicle to stop and collect solid waste and or other materials.
"Collection system" means a combination of the various components that are necessary to provide a collection service, including the system design, equipment and human resources, point of collection, frequency, system costs, and method of financing.
"Commercial customer" means any enterprise or establishment whose main purpose is to carry on a business activity whether for profit or not, and typically includes, but not limited to, such enterprises as: hotels, motels, restaurants, fast food establishments, retail stores, schools, offices, shopping centers/malls/plazas, factories/manufacturing facilities, warehouses, and high density occupied dwellings such as apartment complexes and mobile home parks.
"Construction" shall mean building material waste resulting from demolition, remodeling, repair, or construction.
"Curb line" means the area directly behind the curb. In the absence of a curb, the area directly behind the edge of the roadway.
"Curbside collection" means the collection of solid waste, recyclables, or other materials placed in front of the property (curbside) by the generator who then returns the container to its normal location after it has been emptied.
"Disabled household" shall mean a residential dwelling unit where all occupants over the age of 16 are physically incapable of transporting garbage and/or rubbish to the property curbside. A statement or certification from a licensed medical doctor may be required to substantiate the incapacity.
"Dumpster" is a common term used to describe storage bins (containers) for commercial, institutional, and industrial solid waste.
"Garbage" shall mean solid waste consisting of putrescible animal and vegetable waste materials resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food, including waste materials from markets, storage facilities, handling and sale of produce and other food products.
"Hazardous waste material" shall mean any solid waste identified or listed as a hazardous waste by the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, Section 42 USC, Section 6901 et seq., as amended.
"Manual collection" means a method of collecting solid waste where the operator and/or collector(s) leave the collection vehicle and manually empties the container(s). Storage containers may be brought to the point of collection by the generator or a member of the collection crew.
"Non-collection material" means materials that shall not be collected by the solid waste services division, including, but not limited to, rock, dirt, manure, dead animals, tires, tire and wheel combinations, hazardous waste material, lead acid batteries, engines, lawn mowers, riding mowers, liquid waste of any kind, vehicle bodies, boats, mobile homes, trailers, campers, and other items of like size; waste from undeveloped property, and landscaping waste for new homes or commercial sites.
"Point of collection" means a geographical point on a generator's property where storage containers are placed for collection service.
"Premises" means businesses, houses, boarding and rooming houses, theaters, hotels, restaurants, cafes, eating houses, tourist camps, apartments, sanitarium, schools, private residences, vacant lots, and all other places within the city where garbage, trash or rubbish accumulates in ordinary quantities.
"Putrescible garbage," as used herein, shall be held and construed to mean animal or vegetable matter, such as waste material from kitchens, grocery stores, butcher shops, restaurants, cafes, hotel, rooming and boarding houses, such as scraps of meat, bread, bones, and peelings of fruit and vegetables.
"Recycling" means the diversion of specific materials from a solid waste stream and the processing of those materials for use as new products and/or other productive uses.
"Recycling drop-off center" means a location, established for the receipt of recyclable solid waste including, but not limited to, aluminum, cardboard, metal, paper, glass, and plastic.
"Recycle material" means materials such as, but not limited to, paper products, glass aluminum and other metals, plastic, and containers made in whole or in part of aluminum, metal, or plastic, which are separated and segregated from other garbage, trash, or refuse for the purpose of recycling and which are placed in a recycling receptacle for use in a recycling program.
"Recycling" means the process of collecting and turning used products into new products by reprocessing or remanufacturing them.
"Recycling program" means the organized collection of recyclable material for the purpose of resource recovery and recycling in pursuit of the goals of the city.
"Residential solid waste" means solid waste generated from single and multi-family sources; frequently called household solid waste, or household wastes.
"Roll-off container" means a container used for the storage, collection and transport of commercial, institutional, or industrial solid waste. The container is pulled onto the tilt-frame of the collection vehicle with a cable by winch, reeving cylinders, or by hooks and taken to a solid waste management facility for emptying. Normally, an empty roll-off container is delivered to a customer at the time of collection, rolled off, and left for future use.
"Route" means a round of stops to collect solid waste; a path regularly visited by a collection vehicle.
"Rubbish," as used herein, shall mean non-putrescible solid waste, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible waste materials; including, but not limited to, paper, rags, cartons, excelsior, rubber, plastics, yard trimmings, leaves, glass, crockery, tin cans, aluminum cans, and other such waste generated from residential and commercial sources.
"Scavenging" means the uncontrolled and unauthorized removal of materials from any container, bag, or receptacle within the corporate limits of the city.
"Scrap tire" means any tire that can no longer be used for its original intended purpose.
"Service area" means a geographic area provided solid waste collection service; service areas are normally divided into districts or routes to provide collection services.
"Special wastes" is a term commonly used to describe specific materials that may require special collection and management approaches.
"White goods" is used to denote large household appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, ranges, air conditioners, dryers, and washing machines.
"Yard waste," as used herein, shall mean leaves, grass clippings, shrubs or plant cuttings, yard and garden debris, resulting from yard maintenance, that can be placed in a plastic bag for disposal.
(Ord. No. 2010-26, 9-28-2010)